he TrueOrigin Archive comprises an intellectually honest response to what in fairness can only be described as evolutionism—the doctrine of strict philosophical naturalism as a necessary presupposition in matters of science history (i.e., origins). This doctrine is abundantly evident in much material advocating the Neo-Darwinian macro-evolution origins model, including—but not limited to—the “Talk.Origins” newsgroup and the “Talk.Origins Archive” website.
Advocates of evolutionary theory practice evolutionism when they routinely invoke (and dogmatically defend) naturalistic and humanistic philosophical presuppositions, and arbitrarily apply those presuppositions to their interpretation of the available empirical data. This fact (which many of them zealously deny) severely erodes evolutionists’ credibility, and effectively disqualifies them from any claim to objectivity in matters concerning origins and science, though much material is published by evolutionists under the pretense that it is the product only of purely objective and unprejudiced scientific inquiry.
The contributions posted at this site give some expression to the “other side”dispelling the two most popular myths perpetuated by most advocates of evolutionism, namely:
1. | The myth that the Neo-Darwinian macro-evolution belief system—as heavily popularized by today’s self-appointed “science experts,” the popular media, academia, and certain government agencies—finds “overwhelming” or even merely unequivocal support in the data of empirical science |
2. | The myth that the alternativebiblical creationsomehow fails to find any compelling, corroborative support in the same data |
The question of origins is plainly a matter of science history—not the domain of applied science. Contrary to the unilateral denials of many evolutionists, one’s worldview does indeed play heavily on one’s interpretation of scientific data, a phenomenon that is magnified in matters concerning origins, where neither repeatability, nor observation, nor measurement—the three immutable elements of the scientific method—may be employed. Many proponents of evolutionism nevertheless persist in claiming exclusive “scientific” status for their popularized beliefs, while heaping out-of-hand dismissal and derision upon all doubters, spurning the very advice of Darwin himself.
This site is one answer to such unreasonableand unscientificpractices...
“Talk.Origins Archive” Rebuttals |
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Guest Articles on Related Topics |
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- An Old Earth is the Heart of Evolution (Jonathan F. Henry)documents the arbitrary assumption of an old earth as a vital premise to every facet of evolutionary thought.
- Assessing Creationist Stratigraphy (Carl Froede & John Reed)uses evidence from the Gulf of Mexico to examine various approaches to stratigraphy within the creation model.
- Geology and the Young Earth (Tas Walker)answers several popular arguments raised against a young eartheven by so-called ‘Bible-believing’ bibliosceptics.
- The Geologic Column: Does It Exist? (John Woodmorappe)examines the credibility of the much-publicized “geologic column” (and why it always seems to look bigger in print!).
- Ghost Craters in the Sky (Helen Fryman)Lunar “geology” falls far short of supporting evolutionists’ belief in a 4.5 billion year old moon. (Condensed from a 1998 presentation by Dr. Danny Faulkner.)
- The Dating Game (David Plaisted)examines the facts behind radiometric (& other) dating methods cited by evolutionists to “prove” their million-year scenarios.
- National Geographic joins the Dating Game (John Woodmorappe) documents the popular-level periodical’s most recent effort to blur the distinction between science and evolutionary dogma.
- No Evidence that there is enough Time for Evolution (L. Spetner)Dissects faulty assumptions and unsuibstantiated conclusion of Wilf & Ewens in their claim that there was plenty of time for Darwinian macro-evolution.
- Evolution: The Creation Myth of Our Culture (D. Buckna)Questions suggested for use to critically examine and evaluate evolution, for classroom discussions or research assignments.
- The Privileged Planet: Showdown at the Smithsonian (Jerry Bergman)relates how (once again) hysterical evo-scientism fundamentalists pressured the Smithsonian (a taxpayer-funded institution) to conform to their dogma alone in its “science” offerings.
- National Geographic—Shoots Itself in the Foot—Again! (Bert Thompson and Brad Harrub)rebuts yet another fine example of “scholarly” defense of evolution.
- Is the Design Explanation
Legitimate? (J. Sarfati)discusses criteria to determine design, and whether design is a legitimate explanation for life’s complexity.
- Origin of Language and Communication (Harrub, Thompson & Miller)examines the origin of speech & language, the anatomical and physiological requirements, and the uniquely human ability to employ speech for communication.
- ‘Scientific’ American ‘Refutes’ Creation (T. Wallace)Commentary on the latest sophomoric scholarship and bigotry invoked by a pillar of American “mainstream science”.
- Kansas prompts Anti-Christian Reactionary PropagandaPaul Ackerman, Ph.D., Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., Linda Holloway, and John Altevogt tell the truth about the Kansas School Board’s decision (well, somebody has to!).
- Defending Darwinism: How Far is Too Far? (Mark D. Hartwig)Discrimination practices of Scientific American put personal belief over scientific qualifications.
- Who’s Really Pushing Bad Science? (Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D.)responds to L.S. Lerner’s essay entitled ‘Good Science, Bad Science’ in which Lerner’s thinly veiled prejudice sadly compels him to confuse the two.
- High Priest of Evolution Reveals His Religion (Gary L. Achtemeier)cites some likely causes for Stephen J. Gould’s recent abandonment of his former masquerade concerning religion and science.
- Population Polls on Creation in Public Schools (Jerry Bergman)presents data from a broad series of polls concerning public schools and the origins controversy.
- Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals? (David Buckna)contests a popular—but less than honest—claim among many vocal evolutionists.
- Creationism.com (T. Wallace)yet another anti-creation website, which—in its original (July 2003) form—began dispensing falsehoods with its very first sentence.
- Does the Bible say Earth is Flat? (J.P. Holding)challenges Paul H. Seely’s arbitrary (and erroneous) use of equivocal biblical language in claiming that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat.
- The Tablet Theory of Genesis Authorship (Curt Sewell)presents the “tablet theory” concerning the origin of the written record of Genesis, affirming biblical reliability and man’s inherent literary nature.
- Creationism (Helen Fryman)a brief, but informative treatment of the myth that the Creation/Creator concept is foreign to all but the Christian worldview.
- Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? (Jerry Bergman)cites abundant historical documentation disproving this popular—but ill-informed—myth concerning der Führer’s religious outlook.
- Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust (Jerry Bergman)examines the links between the “science” of Darwinism and practice and ideology of Nazi racism.
Book Reviews & Bibliographies |
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- New Mutilating Miller (John Woodmorappe & Jonathan Sarfati)a review of Kenneth Miller's failed attempt to marry evolution and Christianity (originally published and copyright by Creation Ministries International).
- Climbing Mount Improbable (Jonathan Sarfati)examines Richard Dawkins’ book defending the probability of evolution.
- Up a River Without a Paddle (Raymond Bohlin)takes a close look at Richard Dawkins’ book “River Out of Eden.”
- Tower Babble (T. Wallace)response to Eugenie Scott’s review of Robert Pennock’s book, Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism.
- Not By Chance (Carl Wieland)review of biophysicist Lee Spetner’s book of the same title.
- Not By Chance (Hansruedi Stutz)review of biophysicist Lee Spetner’s book of the same title. (German text)
- Genesis Questioned (Jonathan Sarfati)reviews Hugh Ross’s latest published effort at placing erroneous “science” above infallible Scripture.
- The Battle of Beginnings (Carl Wieland)review of Del Ratzsch’s book analyzing the evolution/creation issue for Christians.
CREATIONISTS’ Books Reviewed
- The Answers Book (T. Wallace)review of the new & improved book in which Ham, Sarfati, Wieland, and Batten relate the biblical record to empirical science in connection with ‘the 20 most-asked questions’ on the subject.
- Creation Compromises (T. Wallace)review of Dr. Bert Thompson’s book thoroughly documentingand refutingmisguided efforts at compromising biblical integrity with unsubstantiated claims of “science”.
- The Biotic Message (Don Batten)a review of Walter ReMine’s book claiming the unity in biology and the pattern of diversity defies any consistent naturalistic explanation.
- Creation Evangelism for the New Millennium (T. Wallace)review of Ken Ham’s newest statement on the importance of a literal Genesis to Christian doctrine & evangelism.
- Refuting Evolution (T. Wallace)review of Dr. Sarfati’s response to the National Academy of Sciences’ book that advocates the teaching of evolution exclusively as “science” in the classroom.
- Slaughter of the Dissidents (D. Coolidge)review of Dr. Jerry Bergman's thorough treatment of the co-opting of mainstream "science" by the dogmatism of philosophical naturalism, and the resulting discrimation against the many who don't toe the religious line.
- Bibliographies of selected non-evolutionist print publications dealing with origins-related matters for those interested in further reading off-line.
Creationists Answer Their Detractors |
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- John Woodmorappe answers Glenn R. Morton’s persistent misuse of Woodmorappe’s list of discrepant isotopic dates.
- Joe Meert’s Manipulation and smearing of Walt Brown’s straightforward debate challenge, documented by Brown and the CSC (PDF).
- A Brief Response to Several Anti-Creationist Books (Don Batten)diffuses some common myths and misinformation found in recent popular anti-creation literature.
- Dr. Royal Truman answers Dr. Mark Kluge’s criticism of Truman’s essay on Dawkins’ lack of a plausible evolutionary genetic information source.
- Ian Taylor answers Don Lindsay’s apparently hasty and simplistic criticism of Taylor’s book “In the Minds of Men”.
- Ian Taylor answers TalkOrigins multiple newsgroup postings critical of Taylor’s book “In the Minds of Men”.
- Barry Setterfield answers Robert Day’s 1997 criticism of Setterfield’s work in the realm of c-decay (posted at Talk.Origins).
- Pseudonyms: A Long, Honorable Tradition in which John Woodmorappe succinctly disposes of a popular evolutionist red herring via documented historical facts.
- Dr. Andrew Snelling answers Dr. Alex Ritchie, putting a contrived and excessive “double identity” accusation into reasonable perspective.
- Gillian Brown answers Barry Williams, exposing a willfully ignorant brand of “skepticism” that fails to question its own arbitrary assumptions.
- Russell Humphreys answers Various Critics in a series of predominantly technical PDF files downloadable from this site.
- Russell Humphreys answers Thompson, Schimmrich, et al., and the caliber of anti-creationist ‘scholarship’ that relied on errors to ‘discredit’ his work.
- Russell Humphreys challenges Hugh Ross in a brief letter questioning some claims made by Ross in his newsletter.
- Jack Cuozzo answers Colin Groves in a response to Groves’ critical review of Cuozzo’s book, “Buried Alive”.
- Jonathan Sarfati critiques John Stear’s “No Answers in Genesis” website and the skeptics featured there.
- Darwin’s Black Box (Michael Behe)a response by the author to TalkOrigins newsgroup posts regarding his book.
- Behe answers Various Critics (Michael Behe)a response to a number of attempts at discrediting his position, as well as the revealing documentation of his experience with the “peer-reviewed” editorial process.
- Ashby Camp answers Douglas Theobald After Ashby Camp published his critique of Douglas Theobald’s “29 Evidences for Macroevolution” TalkOrigins article, Dr. Theobald published a lengthy and accusatory response to Part 1 of Mr. Camp’s article. In this reply, Mr. Camp adeptly answers Dr. Theobald’s accusations.
- Wallace answers Schneider (T. Wallace)a response to Schneider’s critical ‘summary’ of their earlier exchange on thermodynamics, etc.
- Wallace answers Duck (T. Wallace)a response to the ‘critique’ by Wayne Duck of Wallace’s rebuttal of the TalkOrigins “Five Misconceptions” FAQ.
Alleged Challenges to Biblical Creation |
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- Gamma Photons take 1 million years to reach the surface of the sun as visible light photons (answer by Jorge Fernandez).
- The Sun's 'Age' is 5 billion years, based on its chemical composition (answer by Jorge Fernandez).
- Impact Craters pose a variety of alleged challenges to the biblical Creation model (answer by Jorge Fernandez).
Beyond the Limits of Science |
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- The Law of God (a.k.a. the “Ten Commandments”). A friendly reminder of our personal, individual guiltiness of sin before a holy God, apart from Whose mercy in the cross of Jesus Christ there is no hope.
- Nine Ways to Know that the Gospel of Christ is True (John Piper)some “food for thought” for inquiring minds with a hunger for objective meaning in life.
Feedback & On-Line Resources |
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- Feedback from Readers (positive, negative and in-between) accompanied by responses, where appropriate.
- TrueOrigin Discussion a strictly unofficial Yahoo Groups “discussion community” focusing on the contents of this site.
- Related Links on origins-related matters (without evolutionist bias) selected for those interested in further reading on-line.
- 1544 Web-Based Articlessome of the best material supportive of the biblical creationary model, carefully selected and categorized by Ashby Camp.
- Glossary of Terms often used (sometimes misused and abused) in discussions and documents relating to the origins debate.
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